Main Technical Specifications and Requirements
X-Ray Tube
Anode heat capacity: 300KHU
Focus: small focus 0.6mm, large focus 1.2mm
Focus power: small focus 27KW, large focus 75KW
Anode rotating speed: 9700 rpm
Target angle: 12°
Intrinsic filtration: 0.9 mm Al /75 kV
High Voltage Generator
Output power: 65KW
High voltage generator inverter frequency: 400KHZ
Output voltage range: 40 ~ 150KV
Output current range: 10 ~ 800mA
Exposure time range: 0.001s ~ 6.3s
Output voltage range: 40 ~ 125kV
Output current range: 0.5 ~ 6.0mA
Current time product range: 0.1mAs ~ 1000mAs
The generator's operation and control system is fully integrated with the host, and workstation
software controls the dose and mode of the generator